Caitlin James
Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapist – Caitlin James
Caitlin is currently the Lead Occupational Therapist in the Pain Management Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital, undertaking suitability assessments for the multidisciplinary program, group education sessions relating to the nature of chronic pain, and advice regarding self- management, goal setting, and building capacity for return to work in a chronic pain setting. She concurrently consults in the Palliative Care unit, performing home environment assessments to facilitate home modification and address equipment needs, assessments of the need for care and assistance, pressure care and carer education. Prior to her return to Australia, Caitlin worked with the NHS in England, providing Occupational Therapy services in an acute medical ward including home visits, functional assessments, cognitive screens and recommendations regarding care provision on discharge.
Caitlin has previously worked with Edge Rehabilitation as a Senior Occupational Therapist, providing case management services for catastrophically and non-catastrophically injured clients, discharge planning, assessment of rehabilitation needs and sourcing of appropriate rehabilitation services and equipment. She has additionally undertaken extensive vocational rehabilitation services including transferrable skills assessments, vocational assessments, return to work programs, worksite visits, ergonomic assessments and equipment prescription.